From Monday 19th June 2017 Ballyclare Group Practice will be changing its appointments system. From that date forwards all appointments will be bookable on the day and there will be no need to book appointments in advance.

Patients will be able to discuss and arrange appointments with their preferred GP on the day and it is hoped that this will improve both access and continuity of care.

Arrangements will involve administration staff taking details and a brief description of patient requests after which your GP will call you back to discuss and manage the request in more depth. Appointments will be offered for the same day should they be required.

Patients wishing to book appointments after the 19th June should be strongly reassured that they will be able to access appointments with their chosen GP and on the day that they find most suitable, but that they will need to make contact on that day.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Appointments: 93343500
Treatment Room: 93343502
Community Nursing: 93343514
Emergencies: 93322260